We plan our food out in 2 week segments. I like to plan ahead and get all psyched about what we will be eating. This next menu plan looks incredible. To have a cheap 2 weeks in an attempt to get a little bit ahead we will be going largely vegetarian. only 4 of the 14 meals will include an actual meat item. We will be eating eggplant, stir fry, fried rice, bean burritos (homemade re fried beans), and salads of different sorts.
For a suggestion to you all: try to include a few vegetarian meals in your routine and watch your grocery bill dip down. Meat is getting progressively expensive.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Da Baby
Ira has made some strides in the last week. He has figured out how to grab things, though it takes a whole lot of concentration and effort at this point. He is taking naps again, though only when I put him with my blanket or pillow cases. He will sleep at night without an aide but during the day he wants something that smells like mommy. He nuzzles my blanket and chews on the pillow case, so cute. He fills his bassinet now. I'm going to move him to the crib within a month. The idea is sad to me because that means he will be in his own room and not where I can lean over and look at him. Time to get the baby monitor...
Adult wise, me and Casey will be getting a break on Saturday. His mother is taking Ira all night! I am both ecstatic and scared. He sleeps almost all night, minus 3 feedings so I know it's not more than anyone can handle. I know he will be fine. But my baby will be 20 minutes away from me. All night. This is supposed to get us a night of sleep but I fear I may end up wide eyed and anxious this first time.
The research for OFH the book is going well though I may need to do a few interviews at some point. That is a little nerve racking, I don't know how to find people to talk to or how to go about it. Figured out MLA referencing again, some days I understand why the written word is disappearing from the country. When anything I need to know about almost anything can be found with a few clicks and keystrokes you don't want to spend the extra time playing with a book. For myself I will always be a paper copy supporter... I want to have my copy of some things. For everything else there is INTERNET!
Adult wise, me and Casey will be getting a break on Saturday. His mother is taking Ira all night! I am both ecstatic and scared. He sleeps almost all night, minus 3 feedings so I know it's not more than anyone can handle. I know he will be fine. But my baby will be 20 minutes away from me. All night. This is supposed to get us a night of sleep but I fear I may end up wide eyed and anxious this first time.
The research for OFH the book is going well though I may need to do a few interviews at some point. That is a little nerve racking, I don't know how to find people to talk to or how to go about it. Figured out MLA referencing again, some days I understand why the written word is disappearing from the country. When anything I need to know about almost anything can be found with a few clicks and keystrokes you don't want to spend the extra time playing with a book. For myself I will always be a paper copy supporter... I want to have my copy of some things. For everything else there is INTERNET!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
OFH, the Book
Some of you are aware that I came up with an idea for a book some time ago. "The Old Fashioned Housewife" is finally ready to be reworked. I've gotten back to working on it, had to freshen my brain before I could continue on it. This has been taking up some of my free time so I have not blogged in the last few days. To those who have requested to see it, I'll be giving previews via e-mail after the 2nd draft is all together. That may take a couple of months based on time availability.
Little Ira is refusing to nap these past few days. Means the chores and writing have taken a dip. He's also been cranky, wanting to be held all the time. Eats every hourish. Needy little bugger must be growing again. I think he will be rolling before too long, he was raising his entire lower body up while playing on the monkey mat. A movie featuring this toy will be uploaded once I can get the wire for the camcorder. More to come later, for now I gotta go try to stuff my face before he wants me to pick him up again...
Little Ira is refusing to nap these past few days. Means the chores and writing have taken a dip. He's also been cranky, wanting to be held all the time. Eats every hourish. Needy little bugger must be growing again. I think he will be rolling before too long, he was raising his entire lower body up while playing on the monkey mat. A movie featuring this toy will be uploaded once I can get the wire for the camcorder. More to come later, for now I gotta go try to stuff my face before he wants me to pick him up again...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Doctor and..... Shots
Poor Ira had to get his first batch of shots with mom in attendance. It was so sad and yet I have to say well done. He got really red in the flash of an eye. The nurse stabbed him 2 times before he got off a second shriek. Shot 3 was just as fast. He was soothed quickly, though he moped for a good hour.
Ira has started waiting longer between meals with the added benefit of longer sleep patterns. I have been getting more done around the house in these times. Gotta get it all ready for him to crawl and walk before it's too late. This means I'm going through everything in the house again. Boxes and bags are getting ready to ship out to different ports. Let us all pray my car does not collapse from the weight of books and junk.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Birthday
To both Ira and I, Happy Birthday. Ira is 2 months, and I am 24 years old. This is the first birthday I don't feel young anymore. It's not an "Oh crap I'm old." More of a "wow, I'm no longer some young kid." I'm a married woman with a child. Kinda boggles the mind.
Ira got to experience fireworks this evening. Was a learning curve for him. My younger brothers lady friend was holding the baby when our neighbors launched a big loud bright firework. You heard a BOOM! Wail! I was about 5 feet away when it went off, so I just nabbed him up and got him calm. The next one that went off I had sat down and gotten his ears covered. He didn't scream, little bit of crying though. By the time 10 had gone off around him he was just watching the fireworks, ears uncovered. At one point he even talked a little. Was very entrancing for him. Alas he got tired after and we had to deal with a cranky boy for a few minutes while driving home.
For those of you who know nothing of development living, you should know a few things about said drive. Everyone lights off fireworks out in the cul-de-sacs because they are the only places clear of trees in our valley. So driving home tonight was a little like a war zone. Have to be very slow going around corners because you never know if people are 50 feet back due to a large KABOOM on it's way. We drove past 2 active fireworks, both within 20 feet. It's rather startling to have it go off so close when your not ready for it. Happily both were smaller and I had been expecting it to happen at some point of the drive.
For now, this is the housemarm signing off!
Ira got to experience fireworks this evening. Was a learning curve for him. My younger brothers lady friend was holding the baby when our neighbors launched a big loud bright firework. You heard a BOOM! Wail! I was about 5 feet away when it went off, so I just nabbed him up and got him calm. The next one that went off I had sat down and gotten his ears covered. He didn't scream, little bit of crying though. By the time 10 had gone off around him he was just watching the fireworks, ears uncovered. At one point he even talked a little. Was very entrancing for him. Alas he got tired after and we had to deal with a cranky boy for a few minutes while driving home.
For those of you who know nothing of development living, you should know a few things about said drive. Everyone lights off fireworks out in the cul-de-sacs because they are the only places clear of trees in our valley. So driving home tonight was a little like a war zone. Have to be very slow going around corners because you never know if people are 50 feet back due to a large KABOOM on it's way. We drove past 2 active fireworks, both within 20 feet. It's rather startling to have it go off so close when your not ready for it. Happily both were smaller and I had been expecting it to happen at some point of the drive.
For now, this is the housemarm signing off!
Friday, July 3, 2009
To a Theater Near You
Coming soon to a theater near you: Fishing for Baby! An epic film staring Ira as Baby. Co staring Binkey as Fishing Line. Miranda as Arm. Directed by Miranda, and scripted by Ira.
In all seriousness, I will be getting a camera to record a few of Ira's noises and actions so that you can all enjoy what I see on a daily basis from the happy boy. He only gets cranky when tired or hungry. With me getting better at reading his signs I can keep him satisfied most days. This has made Ira a very happy boy. He still fights me at nap times, but I'm getting better at making sure he gets down. Though, how long he stays down is any ones guess. He shows his joy with his coos and smiles when he sees people. I'm hoping that since he spends a lot of time in the arms of others that he will continue to be so friendly and cheerful with everyone.
Ira has been a big hit on our shopping day every other week. All the older ladies want too see him and poke his toes. The library trip I took with him alone was a bust though. He started crying almost as soon as I walked in the door and would take no comforting, silly hungry all the time boy. I grabbed 2 random cooking with vegetables books and bolted. At least when at Costco he is all but drowned out by all the people.
This next month he will get to try out some juices, I'm personally looking forward to the lemon treatment, pickles too. Hope you enjoyed this exciting preview for the month of July.
In all seriousness, I will be getting a camera to record a few of Ira's noises and actions so that you can all enjoy what I see on a daily basis from the happy boy. He only gets cranky when tired or hungry. With me getting better at reading his signs I can keep him satisfied most days. This has made Ira a very happy boy. He still fights me at nap times, but I'm getting better at making sure he gets down. Though, how long he stays down is any ones guess. He shows his joy with his coos and smiles when he sees people. I'm hoping that since he spends a lot of time in the arms of others that he will continue to be so friendly and cheerful with everyone.
Ira has been a big hit on our shopping day every other week. All the older ladies want too see him and poke his toes. The library trip I took with him alone was a bust though. He started crying almost as soon as I walked in the door and would take no comforting, silly hungry all the time boy. I grabbed 2 random cooking with vegetables books and bolted. At least when at Costco he is all but drowned out by all the people.
This next month he will get to try out some juices, I'm personally looking forward to the lemon treatment, pickles too. Hope you enjoyed this exciting preview for the month of July.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
He has started sleeping better at night, 3 and 4 hour stretches for the first part then every 2 hours till we get up. Both of us have been benefiting. We finished getting all the 0-3 month clothing put away last week, then found out he is too long for some of the 3-6 month onsies. The size 2 diapers are already looking as if they will not be big enough for too much longer. His carrier is officially too small, he protested highly when I tried to put him in yesterday. I gotta lay off the miracle grow or something, he is continually growing at an astonishing rate.
Mmmmm Tasty Hand
Ira Paints Himself
Opening Season
To the start of what I hope to use for getting out my cool stuff. Some of you will be family, some will be friends. Others will be looking for a cool budget happy meal planner... I'll share my recipes, pictures of baby Ira, stories from the crazy house, and tips I get on housework and life. Enjoy the tour through the mind works of: Miranda the Housewife!
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